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6635 N Baltimore ave #276
Portland, OR 97203

Science-inspired art by Sienna Morris, drawn entirely with numbers and equations by hand. Based in Portland, Oregon, Sienna is self taught in science and art, and uses her Numberism technique to process what she's learned, illustrating the data where it lives. 

She offers original work as well as fine art canvas and paper prints, and clothing of her work. 

Sensation - Original Etching


My original numberism drawings come with a certificate of authenticity. They are made with either micron pen on gouache or as hand engravings on scratchboard, metal or glass.

Sensation - Original Etching

Sensation .jpg
Sensation Web.jpg

Sensation - Original Etching


This is an original numberism etching on scratchboard, stained with ink. The original is unique from the prints in small ways such as the color and numbers that were etched after capturing the print image.

This is etched with numbers and equations detailing how mechanoreceptors in our skin allow for sensation of pressure, light touch and proprioception (knowledge of our body in space).
The data:
PIEZO2 Protein- important in sensation of pressure.
72-120m/s -conduction velocity for proprioception.
35-75m/s -conduction velocity for mechanoreception
Cutaneous Nerve Innervation and spinal cord origin (ulnar, median, radial, musculocutaneous, etc) C6-T1

C10H12N2O- Chemical formula for Serotonin. The Merkle cell is serotonergic, and is in part responsible for sensing edges, shapes, light pressure and Proprioception .

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Fine Art Print Options:

  • Paper prints are printed on fine art luster paper and are under an archival mat, perfect for beautiful framing.

    • The 11" x 14" with mat is 16" x 20"

    • The 16" x 20" with mat is 20" x 24"

  • Canvas prints are coated with 3 layers of UV glaze to protect from fading. Open edition canvas prints are signed by the artist, and stretched on 3/4" wood bars and are ready to hang with two nails or screws. 

  • Limited Edition canvas prints are stretched on 2" - 2.5" wood bars and are wired and ready to hang. 

  • Limited Edition Canvas prints are signed, numbered and dated, come with a magnifying glass and a certificate of authenticity, which includes the limited information, and a full description of the numbers used to draw the piece.  

  • Allow 1 - 3 weeks shipping time